Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Dreams into Stories ~ Write it Down!!

Posted by Unknown at Wednesday, April 20, 2011
Do you dream? When you have dreams, do you remember them and have you ever thought of writing about them? I have a few dreams lately and while most of the time I don't remember them lately I've actually been inspired and remembered them. I keep saying I'm going to write down my dreams / story ideas and I never do. Now that I'm 40 it's time to stop putting things off. So here goes....

IDEA # 1: In my dream I saw various people walking through a lush English garden with people dressed in Victorian era clothing like living works of art. The living art consisted of only the most beautiful perfect people and they were dressed meticulously with extreme attention to detail. The people viewing the living art were oblivious to that these were real people (from little children all the way up to the elderly).  

As the dream unfolded, I realized that the living art people were actually specifically bred and enslaved to be beautiful works of art for those that can afford them. It has become a status symbol in a world full of privileged, elitist, selfish people that are always looking for ways to relieve their boredom. 

So if I was going to write this into a story, it would become a futuristic thriller about a pair of star-crossed lovers from both worlds trying to escape the world they are living in. It would be interesting to add a paranormal element to the story too, but I'm not quite sure how that could work into the story. If this was well done, it could make a cool movie or TV series on the SyFy network - done by Joss Whedon (see Dollhouse) would be awesome.

My problem is I am full of ideas, but how do I actually get a story written (writing is in my genes; not so sure I have the words, talent and discipline to make it happen)?

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